Then I did a study that I learned from a book by Paul Shautz, who was a Swiss, where he did an inversion of the cube. So I took the same idea that he had, and I did it to the Saturn form. I inverted it, and got this. That's the inversion of the Saturn form. Paul Shautz was the guy who made the Oloid. He did an inversion of a geometrically symmetric shape. But the Saturn form is asymmetrical. So inversion of an asymmetrical shape, creates retrogrades, and the retrogrades are what you see here. [This is the Venus form.]
And the one thing that I forgot to tell you--when I took it into the water process, what was changing, I found that there was a seven sided bubble. I dipped a wire-frame model of the Saturn into soap, and this is the bubble that came in the middle of the form.
Then I took this back into the water process, and dipped this into soap, and got that shape, which is another Christian symbol, which is a fish, or a flame.
This is what happens when I put it into air--it becomes linear, and this is inside out. And what I discovered inside the form is that there is a beautiful bell shape, if I spin it. You see the bell? Now this is really cool, let me show you this. So inside out you see a bell right? And right side out, you see the same bell. Look! That's the same bell. Inside. And I didn't know any of this a year ago. None of it.