Then I enlarged it, and I got this real ugly thing.
So then I found out that if I made the good sides--there was one that had a good side here--I made seven of those, and I came up with this. You can see that they are similar. This first one is very subjective. What I did is carved out seven equal volumes, and wherever they met, instead of having a gap, I made a straight line. And when I made a straight line, I came up with threes and fours. So three and four was seven--I should have known. But I didn't.
Then I put that form through a rigor by making all the triangles the same size, and I got this beautiful shape. I just love this thing. I found it was so interesting because they didn't look equal.
So what I did is I flattened these out--I made each pair of triangles flatten into one triangle. Then I poured plaster into it and got this. This is the seven-sided object. Objective, perfect surface areas, and all those lines are significant, that you see on there. Absolutely perfect.